Baobab Fruit Oil

KSh 500.00

  • When using baobab oil specifically to moisturize dry skin problems, use the oil every day for a few weeks, until the skin feels better.
  • Baobab oil is non-toxic and is safe to use on children and pregnant women.
  • Very light skinned people should avoid rubbing baobab oil over eyelids.
  • Baobab oil is not suitable for drinking or oral consumption.


Boabab Fruit oil (not edible) sourced from smallholder farmer in Kitengela

Baobab oil is the natural choice for healthy skin. Baobab oil is an excellent skin moisturizer, which absorbs quickly into the skin without clogging pores. It leaves the skin feeling soft and moisturized. Baobab oil contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which contribute towards maintaining a healthy skin.

Baobab oil helps alleviate itchiness and dryness associated with

  1. Eczema
  2. Dry psoriasis
  3. Skin Cancer (squamous cell carcinoma)
  4. Acne
  5. Sunburn
  6. Bed sores
  7. Scaly Skin Disorder (Ichthyyosis)
  8. Actinic keratosis

How to use:

  • Rub oil broadly on arms and legs.
  • Gently massage oil into facial skin.
  • Rub oil into dry skin patches.


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